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Foreign affairs in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+5Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: affairsforeign aidpublic affairsstate of affairsaffairforeignlove affairforeigner
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61. No announcement was made regarding responsibility for the Foreign Affairs portfolio.
62. In addition, he lacked experience in the vital sphere of foreign affairs.
63. In foreign affairs, 1966 and 1967 were perhaps the most hectic years of his presidency.
64. This is based on an essay in the January / February issue of Foreign Affairs.
65. I hope that we have a reasonable record on piloting Britain's foreign affairs through troubled times.
66. Walsh, ever eager to stick his finger in some one else's pie, gravitated towards the foreign affairs discussion group.
67. To get jobs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
68. XXVII. The foreign affairs should be under central management.
69. With more details, here's our foreign affairs correspondent.
70. The transportation is very convenient, is a wild goose to concuss mountain 1 three star class the tour concern foreign affairs a hotel.
71. Mark Latham also said Ms Gillard would have been better off giving Mr Rudd the foreign affairs portfolio to prevent him from being a loose cannon in Brisbane.
72. After graduating with a first-class Honours degree in Asian Studies, he joined the Department of Foreign Affairs.
73. Earlier, Zhang also met respectively with visiting Japanese Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Bessho Koro and State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Yutaka Banno.
73. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
74. This course offers Introduction to Chinese Economy, Current Chinese Economy, International Trade Organization, Chinese Economic Law Concerning Foreign Affairs etc.
75. S. House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passed a resolution backing legislation to make terms like those in the UAE deal the norm, but it has yet to become law.
76. Guest: Excuse me, where is the Foreign Affairs Office of Municipality?
77. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which must sign off on port visits, declined to comment.
78. He had never understood why people should worry about all these bothersome foreign affairs.
79. An official statement from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs said the Swiss cabinet had frozen all funds belonging to Mubarak or "his circles."
80. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may authorize other agencies to revoke or invalidate a visa.
81. Not only the U. S. but also the EU and Japan hope that China will join an export credit agreement, said a senior researcher from the U. S. Council on Foreign Affairs.
82. On September 19, 2010, Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun met in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the diplomats attending the Workshop for Senior Diplomats in French-Speaking Countries in Africa.
83. By the way, have you read the latest statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
84. These advantages give the United States a wider range of choice in its conduct of foreign affairs, but they don't ensure that its choices will be good ones.
85. A top Chinese official agreed, writing in a recent Foreign Affairs Review article that the United States would remain "unbeatable for the next 20 to 30 years."
86. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, said Thai army did not plan to withdraw troops.
87. Now comes Sasha Polakow-Suransky, who is an editor at Foreign Affairs magazine, a Rhodes scholar, and an American Jew whose parents emigrated to the United States from South Africa.
88. Mr. Oliver occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
89. Change to come to Ministry of Foreign Affairs just as since solemn and just protest go toward, change to come to my etc. just as since go toward the text crosscurrent.
90. The president gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs.
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